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In-Practice Policies 


Masking Guidance

Masks continue to be required for those experiencing symptoms of respiratory illness or COVID-19 or anyone who recently tested positive for COVID-19. To protect our most vulnerable patients, Atrius Health will also require continued universal masking in the Hematology/Oncology department and infusion clinic located at our Kenmore practice. Any patient may ask their care providers to wear a mask upon entering the exam room.
Universal masking recommendations for our practices is based on respiratory illness trends and will be modified for patients as changes are made and transmission risk decreases or increases.

Symptom Screening

All Atrius Health patients and visitors will be screened for symptoms, exposure to COVID-19, and recent positive COVID-19 test, prior to their appointment. If you are experiencing symptoms of respiratory illness or COVID-19 or have a recent positive COVID-19 test, you will be required to wear a surgical mask for your appointment to ensure the safety of our staff and other patients.

Thank you for your cooperation.