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Pink eye is defined as inflammation of the thin transparent tissue (conjunctiva) that covers the outer surface of the eye and the inner surface of the eyelid. You can develop pink eye in one or both eyes and typically does not impact your vision if you get the proper treatment.
Causes and Symptoms
The most common causes of pink eye are viruses, bacteria, and allergens. Other causes include external irritants such as dust and chemicals, parasites, and even contact lens use. It’s possible to be exposed to certain germs or allergens without realizing it. Often you may not know the source, as symptoms may be similar no matter the cause of the pink eye.While pink eye isn’t typically severely painful, it can be uncomfortable and annoying. Symptoms can include redness, irritation, increased tear production, and eye discharge.
Let’s go over the most common causes of pink eye in a little more detail:
- Viral pink eye is the most common type of conjunctivitis and can develop when you have a cold or other upper respiratory infection. Viral pink eye is very contagious and is typically spread through hand-to-hand contact or contact with contaminated surfaces. It can also be spread by large respiratory droplets, such as from coughing or sneezing. Symptoms of viral pink eye include redness, burning, and watery discharge.
- Bacterial pink eye can develop when your eye is exposed to bacteria. Bacterial pink eye is contagious and spreads in ways similar to viral pink eye but can also be transmitted from mother to baby during delivery. Symptoms of bacterial pink eye can be similar to other types of pink eye and can include redness, burning, and thick, sticky discharge.
- Allergic pink eye can occur when your eyes are exposed to an irritating allergen, such as pollen, mold, cosmetics, or animal dander. Along with sneezing and a watery nose, you may also experience intense eye itching, redness, and tearing.
Treatment for Pink Eye
Since there are many potential causes of pink eye, you should be evaluated by your provider to get an accurate diagnosis and proper treatment. Although conjunctivitis will almost always cause a pink eye, not every pink eye is caused by conjunctivitis. Prompt evaluation is particularly important if you have eye pain, blurred vision, intense eye redness, or if symptoms appear in a newborn.Generally, viral pink eye resolves in 1 to 2 weeks without treatment, and antibiotics will not improve symptoms. Bacterial pink eye may get better without treatment, but antibiotics can help you feel better faster and reduce the spread. Allergic pink eye usually improves with allergen avoidance, and treatment can include oral allergy medications and eye drops.
Along with talking to your provider, there are several things you can do at home to help yourself feel better:
- Place cold compresses over your eyes.
- Use over-the-counter lubricating eye drops to help avoid dryness and irritation.
- Stop wearing contacts until your infection has cleared.
- Avoid spending extended time in bright light, wind, and cold temperatures without eye protection.
Preventing Pink Eye
You can help avoid getting and spreading pink eye by practicing good hygiene.If you have pink eye:
- Wash your hands often with soap and water.
- Avoid touching or rubbing your eyes.
- Wash sheets, pillowcases, and towels often.
- Clean eyeglasses often and clean, store, and replace contact lenses as instructed.
- Avoid sharing towels, pillows, makeup, and hygiene products with others.
- Do not use swimming pools.
- Wash your hands often with soap and water.
- Avoid touching your eyes with unwashed hands.
- Avoid close contact with those who have pink eye.
- Do not share items with an infected person, such as pillows, towels, or makeup.